Sunday, 6 December 2015


Websites, n.d, Cecil Beaton Biography, Viewed Oct 5th 2015, available from 

Famous Photographers, n.d, Erwin Blumenfeld, Viewed Oct 5th 2015, available from 

Avedon Foundation, n.d, Richard Avedon, Viewed Oct 5th 2015, available from 

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2006, David Bailey British Photographer, Viewed Oct 5th 2015, available from 

Helmut Newton Foundation, n.d, Biography, Viewed Oct 6th 2015, available from

Louise Alexander Gallery, n.d, Guy Bourdin, Viewed Oct 6th 2015, available from

Herb Ritts, n.d, Biography, Viewed Oct 6th 2015, available from 

George Hurrell Master Of Hollywood Glamour Photography, n.d, George Hurrell, Viewed Oct 6th 2015, available from

Barrington.k, 2012, Patrick Demarchelier, Viewed Oct 6th 2015, available from

Wikipedia, 2015, Mario Testino, Viewed Oct 6th 2015, available from 

Rankin, n.d, Biography, Viewed Oct 6th 2015, available from

Wikipedia, 2015, Ellen Von Unwerth, Viewed Oct 6th 2015, available from 

Hamilton.K, 2014, Laura Mulvey and The Male Gaze Theory, Viewed 12th Oct 2015, available from

Alderson.R, 2011, Yolanda Dominguez, Viewed 12th Oct 2015, available from,


Gionson.D, 2015, In Vogue - The Editors Eye, Viewed 20th Oct 2015,
Youtube, contesian, 2015, seven photographs that changed fashion, viewed 6th oct 2015, available from


Hair pose, viewed 28th nov 2015, available from 

Hair Pose viewed 28th nov 2015, available from 

Profile, viewed 28th nov 2015, available from

Profile, viewed 28th nov 2015, available from

Profile, viewed 28th nov 2015, available from

Profile, viewed 28th Nov 2015, available from 

Side profile, viewed 28th nov 2015, available from

Side profile, viewed 28th nov 2015, available from 

Side profile, viewed 28th nov 2015, available from

Marylin, Bart Stein, 1962, viewed 23rd oct 2015, all images available from 

Alice in wonderland shoot, Annie Leibovitz, 2003, available from

Gaga, Mario testino, 2011, viewed 23rd oct 2015, available from

Inspired, Irving penn, 1996, viewed 23rd Oct 2015, available from

The valley of dolls, Steven Klein, 2012, viewed 23rd oct 2015, available from

Vogue nov 1988, viewed 23rd oct 2015, available from

Bathhouse, Deborah Turbeville, vogue 1975, viewed 23rd oct 2015, available from

The great fur caravan, Richard Avedon, 1996, viewed 23rd oct 2015, available from

Nastassja Kinski, Richard Avedon, 1981, viewed 23rd oct 2015, available from  

Katy perry killer queen, viewed 13th oct 2015, available from 

Cara - Vogue Aus, 2013, viewed 13th oct 2015, available from

Nike, viewed 13th oct 2015, available from

Florence, viewed 13th oct 2015, available from

Blake, viewed 13th oct 2015, available from

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Evaluation of Project

Overall i am very happy with the outcome of my photoshoot. I chose to use a soft lighting to create a glow on the skin and enhance the gentle colours of the makeup. I use side and front on lighting to get my photos. 
I chose to use rose gold as my main colour as its very soft and natural bit still adds a little colour to the face, I think this looks effective in my colour photos but isn't very visible in my black and white photos. I chose to curl my models hair because i wanted to add some texture and movement to the hair. Her hair is usually very straight so to add a little more texture i curled it then brushed out the curls to give the hair a slight wave. 
I have really enjoyed this project brief, more than i first thought i would because photography has never been something that interested me before . At first learning about the camera settings and types of lighting was very overwhelming but after a few practice sessions i began to understand and found adjusting everything a lot easier.  I have learnt a lot about how adjusting the camera settings and the lighting set up can make a difference to the image produced.
I researched different images to give me inspiration on poses and lighting for my final shoot, i created a list of poses to give my model an idea of what i was looking for. 
My favourite pose from this photoshoot is from one of my black and white images, the model lies on the floor with her hair spread around her, i like this because i think its quite different from many other beauty images. 
If i were to repeat this brief i would shoot my final images in two separate photoshoots, one for my  colour and one for my black and white images. I would do this because i feel the makeup in the black and white images could be slightly stronger to make it more visible in the photos. 

Monday, 30 November 2015

Mood board - Created Using Photoshop

Using photoshop to create a moodboard:
Edit page size to the desired moodboard size.
Use rulers to create guidelines for the photos.
Add in the chosen images.
Use the clipping mask to remove any parts of the image that are overlapping the guide lines.

Editing Photos

Adobe Bridge:
- Allows you to organise media,
- Gives access to RAW plug in without Photoshop.
Importing photos;
Photo downloader --> location pictures --> save copies to memory stick.
Advanced dialog --> select photos you want over ones you don't. 
Click get media.

Camera RAW 
For a neutral colour all RGB values should be the same.
Lightest 255, Neutral 128, Darkest 0.
Achieving neutral - Use colour sampler on the photo, use white balance to set neutral colours.

Adjusting contrast - evens the colours. 
Clarity - makes image clearer.
Saturation - brightens colour (can make skin too bright).
Vibrance - makes colour brighter.
Effects --> Vignette - lighter or darker edges.

Sunday, 29 November 2015


Desktop --> Utilities --> Disk utilities
Click on memory stick
Format MS-DOS (FAT32)
Click erase