Monday, 30 November 2015

Mood board - Created Using Photoshop

Using photoshop to create a moodboard:
Edit page size to the desired moodboard size.
Use rulers to create guidelines for the photos.
Add in the chosen images.
Use the clipping mask to remove any parts of the image that are overlapping the guide lines.

Editing Photos

Adobe Bridge:
- Allows you to organise media,
- Gives access to RAW plug in without Photoshop.
Importing photos;
Photo downloader --> location pictures --> save copies to memory stick.
Advanced dialog --> select photos you want over ones you don't. 
Click get media.

Camera RAW 
For a neutral colour all RGB values should be the same.
Lightest 255, Neutral 128, Darkest 0.
Achieving neutral - Use colour sampler on the photo, use white balance to set neutral colours.

Adjusting contrast - evens the colours. 
Clarity - makes image clearer.
Saturation - brightens colour (can make skin too bright).
Vibrance - makes colour brighter.
Effects --> Vignette - lighter or darker edges.

Sunday, 29 November 2015


Desktop --> Utilities --> Disk utilities
Click on memory stick
Format MS-DOS (FAT32)
Click erase

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Mood Boards Based On Words

The word i picked from the dictionary was ginger.

Below are the mood boards i created from my interpretation of the word. 

With the mood boards i was immediately drawn to images of models with big hair, curls and plenty of volume. I think this is because i think of ginger as a strong bold colour, making an impact in the room. 
I also really liked the image of the lion as its seen as a fierce animal showing strength, power and importance, all things i think ginger can symbolise.
As ginger is a pretty unique colour i see it as special, i included the golds and sparkles as i think they symbolise importance and status. 
I included the bright colours as they are bold and make an impact. 
All the model posing on these moodboard are standing in empowering ways that make them look dominant and authoritative both things i associate with ginger. 

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Model Pose Inspiration

Side Profile Poses 

Side profile, viewed 28th Nov 2015, available from -
Side Profile, viewed 28th Nov 2015, Available from
Side Profile, Viewed 28th Nov 2015, Available from

Front Facing Poses 

Profile, Viewed 28th Nov 2015, Available from
Profile, Viewed 28th Nov 2015, Available from 

Profile, Viewed 29th Nov 2015, Available from

Profile, Viewed 28th Nov 2015, Available from

Hair poses
Hair Pose, Viewed 28th Nov 2015, Available from

Hair Pose, Viewed 28th Nov 2015, Available from

Friday, 6 November 2015

Planning A Photography Shoot

When planning a photoshoot always consider the theme. Is it contemporary, abstract, futuristic?
Our theme is 'The Perfect Base'

- Image interpretation e.g do you want the model to appear excited, happy, sad.
- Clothes & Accessories
- Makeup & Hair

Create a mood board of your ideas including;
- lighting and mood,
- Colour scheme,
- Makeup & hair,
- Poses & expressions,
- Camera angles.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015


Lighting from the front

With these image we placed the lighting in front of the models so it was shining directing onto them. We changed around the depth of perception to make the camera focus on each model separately, the aperture was changed from 4 to 6. 
We used reflectors to light up the shadows under the eyes and chin and to define the cheekbones. 


To get these images the lighting box was placed behind the model and turned up high. We decided the first images were too bright so we removed the white reflector that was behind the camera to stop so much light bouncing back onto the model giving us a more defined image. 

Side Lighting - Black background 

These images were lit from the side.
We changed the aperture from 14 to 10 to allow more light into the image as less was reflecting off the background.

Side Lighting - White Wall 

A lot of light was reflected off the background and opposite wall when we took the first images. We changed the aperture from 8 to 10 to restrict the amount of light entering the lens.
From taking these images we learnt that different skin types/tones react and reflect light differently. After the first image we changed the aperture for the second image and the difference is easy to see, the face is a lot less over exposed. When we changed models we changed the aperture back as Sophies skin reflected light differently and her images were darker.

Cat Eye 

To create the cat eye effect two soft boxes where placed in front of the model, one on each side. The first images came out overexposed so we reduced the strength of the flash giving us a darker more defined image with a cat eye effect on the eyes. 

Lighting From Above 

To create these images the soft box was placed above the model. The first image was taken without a reflector, its dark and there are a lot of shadows. We placed a reflector in the floor under the model and lit up the face, removing all the shadows from the cheeks, eyes, chin and forehead.