Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Preparing for Shoot & Directing A Model

Importance of Casting:
Even when working with a professional model you should always do a casting session before a shoot. Its not always possible to meet face to face if the model has to travel a long distance but it could be done either be via Skype, FaceTime.
You can request an untouched photo. 
This ensures you know your model is suitable for the shoot.

When looking through their portfolio look for a wide variety of poses.

Choosing the right model for your shoot:
Keep in mind your brief for the shoot.  
For a beauty shoot keep in mind their bone structure and features. 

Always try to enhance your models best feature, e.g. if they have great eyes shoot in a well lit room. This will make sure the pupil size is smaller and you can see more colour.

Directing a model:
You can give the model a pose sheet to help give her direction and demonstrate what you are looking for. 
Always keep the model moving and relaxed, this will get you better photos.
Communicate with the model.

If you are in a bad mood, do not let this show during the shot as it will effect everyone around you.

Always fine-tune your shot during the photo shoot, do not reply on post production. 

Before a shoot you should always do a test shoot to ensure the lighting, background are how you want them. 

Remember you can get some of the best photos catching quiet moments when the model isn't focusing on the camera and is completely relaxed. 

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