Tuesday 13 October 2015

Six Inspiring Images

Katy Perry 'Killer Queen'

This photo was taken as part of Katy Perry's 'Killer Queen' perfume campaign. I think the pose in this image is inspiring because she is sat straight and tall making her look strong and in control rather than submissive. The look on her face, with her mouth slightly open, is still suggestive but the way she is looking down on the camera makes her look confident and powerful. Simon Costin was the designer behind the set of this shoot. Her makeup was done by artist Todd Delano and the photographer was Tim Walker.

Vogue Australia

This photo of Cara Delevingne was taken for Vogue Australia  October 2013. I love this photo. The stern expression on Cara's face makes her look dominant and powerful. She stands tall and straight making her look in control, the way she holds her hands softly clasping over each other softens the pose. Although she wears a stern expression the image is still compelling to look at and the detailing on the dress commands your attention.
The photographer for this shoot was Benny Horne, the stylist was Christine Centenera, hair was styled by James Rowe and makeup done by Sally Branka.

Janelle Monae 

This photo was taken as part of Cover Girls #GirlsCan campaign about female empowerment. Janelle Monae is spokeswoman for the campaign. The way she holds her head high and looks down to the camera makes her look very confident in herself and whats she is standing for. The hands on the hips again makes her look powerful and authoritative. Although she has her mouth slightly open it makes it look like she has something to say rather and being suggestive.
The director of photography for this campaign was Brandon Bloch


This photo was part of Nike's advertisement campaign in 2006. I really like that its an action shot, it shows just what the body can do if you learn how. The lighting creates shadows on the muscles showing power and strength.
Nike have three main photographers they use for their campaign shoots; Steve Bonini, Chris Hornbecker and Anthony Georgis.

Florence Welch 

This image of Florence Welch (Florence & The Machine) was taken for Vogue America in 2012. Even though its from a editorial magazine the image is full of power and energy. The horse is strong makes her look superior and the way she is raising the sword makes her look totally in control and invincible.
The photographer for this shoot was Normal Jean Roy and the makeup artist was Gucci Westman.

Blake Lively 

I really like this photo of Blake Lively, its very natural and elegant. The way she is look away from the camera and off set adds a story to the photo, it makes the viewer wonder what or who she is laughing at. I couldn't find the photographer or the makeup artist involved in this shoot.

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